The fight is not over, folks. We have won the battle of donations this last Sunday with overwhelming force. But we must press on, and we will prevail. Our liberties are under siege, and the media refuses to spread our message. So, now that the hard part is done, we have raised the money, but have you told EVERYONE you know about it? And if you're thinking "well, not everyone", then is freedom not worthy of that effort? The easiest things, can create the biggest results.
Dr. Ron Paul's message does the work for us, we just need to expose people to it! Help in anyway, even if its just mentioning his name, whatever it takes, make sure people know how Dr. Paul will restore the constitution.
The Ron Paul Blimp needs our help, we have only 2 and a half days left to raise 140K to fly the blimp to the NH primary. For any other cause, the challenge would be daunting, but I believe we can smash any obstacle in front of us. Have you donated to the blimp yet?
We cannot let the effort to get the blimp off the ground go to waste, so, help out however you can!
Tuesday, December 18, 2007
Finish The Fight!
Posted by
Ray B
12/18/2007 11:27:00 AM
Sunday, December 16, 2007
A Truly Historic Accomplishment
Here we are, winding up the greatest donation day for a presidential candidate in US History. We have officially taken the record for most donations in a 24-hour period from John Kerry by surpassing his $5.7 Million dollar figure, which he achieved on the day he won the nomination. Thank you to everyone who made this possible, we have all been a part of a historic event, and we are one step closer to restoring our constitution. Fittingly enough, the record-breaking amount is $17.76 Million
Posted by
Ray B
12/16/2007 08:22:00 PM
November 5th Officially Eclipsed!
It's official, the 2007 Tea Party has eclipsed the November 5th numbers. The liberty movement has shattered records again! This is a great success for our cause, and is sure to get massive media attention.
Here are a few quick numbers:
More than 37,000 donors so far, of which over 14,000 are first time donors.
The average contribution has been of about $112 per person.
About 2200 people are donating every hour, that's 36 people a minute!
We are raising about $227,980 dollars an hour, that's $3,799 a minute, or $63 a second!
Keep up the good work, we have until midnight EST, or 9 PM PST! We can blow way past 6 million by the end of the day.
Posted by
Ray B
12/16/2007 03:34:00 PM
Saturday, December 15, 2007
A Call to Arms (Figuratively)
There are only a few more hours before the 2007 Tea Party, make sure anyone and everyone you know is informed, and if they are already supporters, make sure they know TOMORROW is the day to donate. Refer to this post for tips on how to get better results when you're spreading the message. Getting organized is key to leading a successful campaign, because our founders were organized, they were able to dump over 40 tons of British-imported tea into the Boston harbor.
Get together with your local meetup groups and join in on any Tea Party events. The media will not pay attention to our numbers if they are not concentrated. The fact that we have raised 11 million this quarter was no where near as important to the media as the cat that 4.3 million of it was in one day. Likewise, meetup groups within a certain radius of each other should unite on this day.
Posted by
Ray B
12/15/2007 12:23:00 PM
Friday, December 14, 2007
Ron Paul on Mad Money
I think this is the best appearance yet on a news channel by Dr. Paul. It brought a big ol' smile to my face.
Posted by
Ray B
12/14/2007 04:31:00 PM
Neocon Agenda
Fox News is notorious for their neocon agenda. They don't even try to hide it anymore. Here we have my favorite pundit Bill O'Reilly openly admitting that the war was a mistake, but then flip-flopping and saying it's all about oil.
I thought American blood was worth more than oil. Don't be mistaken, I don't mean cheap oil, because if you've been to the pump in the last 4 years, that's is certainly not the case, I mean oil PROFITS, which continue to rise to record highs. It's not about WMDs, it's not about democracy, it's not about terrorism. Our brave men and women are sacrificing their lives so that big oil execs and media conglomerates can get filthy rich. So, when it comes time to vote, ask yourself: What is your life worth? There are men in power who would, without hesitation, exchange your life for a quick buck.
Posted by
Ray B
12/14/2007 04:01:00 PM
Ron Paul on Glenn Beck Program
Posted by
Ray B
12/14/2007 10:12:00 AM
The Blimp Is Airborne!
Congratulations to everyone who donated to the Ron Paul Blimp project, and espcially everyone who helped put the project together. The blimp is airborne as of 9:23 am Friday, December 14th . There have been flight plan changes, please refer to the
Flight Plan for more details. It seems the blimp will not be in boston for the tea party, it is headed towards NC as we speak.
The blimp will not make it to NH without our continued support. The project still needs about $120k to make it to the primaries. Freedom is worth it!
Posted by
Ray B
12/14/2007 09:51:00 AM
Thursday, December 13, 2007
The Huckabee... Surge?
No one can deny there is something very odd about Mike Huckabee's sudden surge in the polls and his new found media attention. Over just two weeks his poll numbers have quadrupled now putting him at over 20% in some polls ahead of rivals Mitt Romney and even former "front runner" Rudy Giuliani.
The first thing we should look at is who these polls really represent. Who are these "likely GOP voters"? Well, that would be people who voted in the 2000 primaries. This is important because, we know that the GOP elected George Bush as their nominee, so the people voting in these polls are very likely to vote for someone like George Bush.
Huckabee is pretty much a newer, more christian version of Bush. A conservative on the outside, but a hardcore Neo-con at the core. He may talk tough on taxes, spending and moral issues, but his record doesn't support his wild claims. He likes to brag about wanting to end the IRS, but not to eliminate the tax, he just wants to replace it with the Fair Tax. Taxes are taxes.
Huckabee also claims to be a fiscal conservative, yet he supports the Neo-con foreign policy which is bankrupting our country and jeopardizing the future of programs we actually need to keep.
Then he preaches about moral issues. He has a strong pro-life stance. Well, kind of. During one debate he boasted having more people on death row in his state than any other governor before him, while at the same time, he pardoned more people than both of his predecessors combined two times over. The list includes, Keith Richards, and the less notorious Wayne Dumond, convicted rapist. Dumond, after being released went on to rape and murder again.
In spite of all this, it doesn't seem like Bush supporter's care much for what Bush does, so much as what he says. And since these are the same people represented in these polls. It doesn't see that crazy that Mike Huckabee could be leading.
Posted by
Ray B
12/13/2007 12:11:00 PM
Ron Paul's Top Contributors
Paul's Top Contributors
Here's the link to McCain's numbers: McCain's Contributors As you can see, it's your regular assortment of big banks, and media companies.
Posted by
Ray B
12/13/2007 10:04:00 AM
Outstanding Video
Another great YouTube Video. This one doesn't have as much of an optimistic tone, but it is certainly a tone of urgency, which is something we should all have. It is important to understand what is at stake. Our liberty, or children's liberty, our rights, and our future. We cannot let the special interest groups and the military industrial complex to rob us of our American Dream, too much blood has been shed for this cause, and we cannot let our founders' sacrifice go to waste. We should never hand over our liberties. If someone were to take it, it should be from our lifeless hands.
Posted by
Ray B
12/13/2007 01:22:00 AM
U.S. Government Accountability Office "USA is living beyond its means"
Mr. Walker has been spreading this message for a while now, and he echoes many of Congressman Ron Paul's positions. He sees the financial disaster ahead of us if we don't change our spending in big government. Help spread the message. The solution is not to print more money, it is not to borrow more money. We need to address our monetary policy at its core and Ron Paul is the only person running for president who is speaking any sense regarding the matter.
Posted by
Ray B
12/13/2007 12:12:00 AM
Wednesday, December 12, 2007
Maximize Your Results
- First impressions count. If the person you are talking to only knows what he has heard on the news, then chances are, Ron Paul supporters are automatically nerds, truthers, and anarchists. Present yourself in a professional way, dress to impress. That will break their pattern, which is the first step to getting through to someone.
- Study! Know what Ron Paul's opinions are, don't try to guess or make things up.
- The best way to know what Ron Paul would do (WWRPD), is to read the constitution! I'd recommend buying a pocket version, but thanks to the Internet, you can do it from the comfort of your computer chair. United States Constitution
- Fliers, pamphlets, and other materials should be used only as support materials. They have very little to no effect on their own, passing them out and hoping people will read them is not the best way to do it, unless you are at a strictly political event where people attend for the purpose of finding out more about candidates.
- Handle objections naturally. The most common will be regarding Iraq. Find out what people's issues are and expect people to ask you. You can turn any concern into a plus. An objection is a good thing because it reveals what that person's key interest point is. If they talk about isolationism, you know that is their hot button and you can correct them and expand on it.
- DO NOT ARGUE with anyone. There are several reasons, but I won't explain them all. If someone will not budge or keeps shooting objections at you, simply align with them. If they give you an objection regarding the monetary policy, you can reply with something to the effect of "I understand you would be concerned about that, the economy is a very important subject." What you are doing is breaking this person's pattern again. They will expect you to argue, but if you reply with agreement they won't know what to do.
- If someone will simply not give up trying to argue with you, thank them for their time, ask them for the vote, give them literature and move on to the next person.
- Do not use the word "BUT". Replace it with "and".
- Always ask questions to which you will get a favorable answer. You can use "tie-downs" such as "Isn't it?" "right?" "wouldn't you agree?" "am I right?" "don't you". Example: "Having a strong dollar is important, isn't it?" or "You'd like to pay less taxes, wouldn't you?" or "It's important to keep our country safe, am I right?". Getting people to say yes is an important thing. If you get them in a "yes" pattern, they will undoubtedly take your literature and you'll have a better chance at getting them to look into Ron Paul.
- Ask A LOT of questions. In fact, the fewer statements you make the better. People don't trust other people too easily, but if you ask the right questions and lead to a favorable answer, they'll have to believe it because they said it. Examples: "Excuse me, did you know there is a candidate for the presidency that wants to abolish the income tax?" Let's follow up with a tie-down: "If you could keep all of your income and not have to give it to the government, you'd want to know how, wouldn't you?". Again, avoid statements, do tell them about Ron Paul, ask them about Ron Paul. "You've heard of Ron Paul haven't you?" "Did you know Ron Paul wants to bring our troops home Immediately?"
- If you're going to be asking questions, there is an important one to make first. Get permission to do so. "Do you mind if I ask you a question?"
- If you ask them about a problem, make sure you know what Ron Paul's solution would be. Persuasion depends heavily on finding what people want and then showing them how to get it.
That's it for now! I'll post more as we come closer to the Primaries. Feedback is always welcome.
Posted by
Ray B
12/12/2007 07:46:00 PM
Ron Paul Blimp
Posted by
Ray B
12/12/2007 05:36:00 PM
Tea Party 07
Posted by
Ray B
12/12/2007 04:56:00 PM
Strong Families
I often hear politicians invoke the "family" card when asked about their positon on same-sex marriage. Common phrases include "Marriage is between a man and a woman." Or "A child should have a mom and a dad." I'd be foolish to disagree with the concept that strong families help build a stronger society. Unfortunately, these phrases are a simple guise for their strong hatred of homosexuals.
To be honest, I don't really care much for homosexuality. I don't see why, in the 21st century, we are having this discussion. People should be treated by the law as individuals, their rights granted by their creator (whom or whatever that may be). So laws should not discriminate or favor homosexuals based on the fact that they are what they are. What an individual does should be of no concern to anyone else so long as it doesn't harm anybody else. So if two men or two women choose to get married, who can tell them otherwise? My life wont be any better or worse if my gay neighbors decide to get married. In fact, maybe we'll have a more colorful yard next to ours, but that's about it .
We still have the issue of whether or not they should be allowed to adopt. Once again, it can boil down to the issue that they are individuals and they have that right as such. But the Neo-cons disagree. The problem really comes from the belief that homosexuality is an evil thing and that it would be the equivalent of having coke-addcits or prostitutes raising children. The idea is simply insane. A homosexual couple has the same ability to raise a child as any other. The real danger is having children being raised by ignorant biggots who discriminate against other people. That kind of attitude is something that can negatively affect the upbringing of a child.
There is another problem. The same politicians advocating for strong families are the same ones who defend our failed foreign policy and the senseless Iraq war. How are these two issues connected, you may ask? How strong is a family where the father is away for up to 15 months at at time? How strong is a family where the father doesn't ever come home? Do you think that child that loses a father or mother in the war will be better or worse off? And please, forget about the honor for a second. There is no doubt, and no one debating that that father is a hero, but his child is left without him regardless.
I have heard most of the arguments against my views, but I haven't heard one that had even one bit of substance to it or evidence to support it. I'd be glad to hear from anyone who thinks otherwise.
Posted by
Ray B
12/12/2007 04:24:00 PM
Labels: adoption, candidate, families, family, gay, homosexual, iraq, marriage, politcian, same, sex, war
The Patriot Army
Welcome to the my new blog, The Patriot Army. I'd like to start the blog with a few disclaimers.
- I do not claim to know everything. I am always open to people correcting any incorrect information that I may post.
- I simply will not reply to hate mail or anything of that sort, but I will always be open to anyone who would like to challenge my views and have a rational, formal discussion, which could be posted for readers to decide.
- I am not officialy affiliated with any campaign, though I am a decided voter.
- I do not claim to be fair or balanced. This blog is specifically for issues of my choosing. If my political views get more attention than others, and you disagree... feel free to start your own blog. This one is mine.
And with that, I'd like to kick off the blogging.
Click Here to Read More..
Posted by
Ray B
12/12/2007 04:14:00 PM
Labels: army, blog, disclaimer, first, home, introduction, new, patriot, post, welcome