The Campaign is taking massive action, with the precinct leader program. Sign up right away at:
If you would like to use my e-mail address as the referral one, please put in Thank you.
It takes a few clicks, and you can recruit others to the cause. It's time to take action, we've got 47 States to win. Let's make it happen.
Freedom Will Prevail
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
Become A Precint Leader
Posted by
Ray B
1/09/2008 11:37:00 PM
Tuesday, January 8, 2008
New Hampshire Today
New Hampshire voters are almost done, but the last ballot has not yet been cast. You can track the progress as it is updated in real time at Remember, Only the final numbers count, everything else is preliminary as the sizes and make-ups of different counties can vary wildly. If you're a New Hampshire Ron Paul supporter make sure you get out before the booths close and get everyone you know out to vote as well. Good Luck New Hampshire.
Posted by
Ray B
1/08/2008 04:49:00 PM
Saturday, January 5, 2008
NH Republican Party Withdraws As Fox Forum Partner
CONCORD – New Hampshire Republican Party Chairman Fergus Cullen releases the following statement regarding Sunday’s Republican forum on FOX:
“The first-in-the-nation New Hampshire primary serves a national purpose by giving all candidates an equal opportunity on a level playing field. Only in New Hampshire do lesser known, lesser funded underdogs have a fighting chance to establish themselves as national figures. Consistent with that tradition, we believe all recognized major candidates should have an equal opportunity to participate in pre-primary debates and forums."
...Continued“This principle applies to tonight’s debates on ABC as well as Sunday’s planned forum on FOX. The New Hampshire Republican Party believes Congressmen Ron Paul and Duncan Hunter should be included in the FOX forum on Sunday evening. Our mutual efforts to resolve this difference have failed.”
“While we understand that FOX News continues to move forward it is with regret, the New Hampshire Republican Party hereby withdraws as a partner in this forum.”
Click Here to Read More..
Posted by
Ray B
1/05/2008 02:52:00 PM
Wyoming... ?
Wyoming GOP
I am not entirely sure on how the voting worked in Wyoming, however, it seems like we didn't even have a chance out there. However, it doesn't seem, as I currently understand it, that it really is a big deal. There were no winners/losers, but there was a shuffle of Delegates there which we can still win. If anyone cares to explain, please do so. I expected a process similar to Iowa.
Posted by
Ray B
1/05/2008 02:48:00 PM
Wyoming Today
Let's keep this relevant for the day, we need to make a push here so we don't go into NH cold.
The Caucuses are today, and we need to get EVERY single supporter out to vote. Call all your friend and make sure they are set to go and know where to go and what to do, make transportation/carpool arrangements in your area, and Good luck to all of you in Wyoming!
Posted by
Ray B
1/05/2008 03:21:00 AM
Ron Paul on Bill Moyers Journal 1-04-08 (PBS)
Here is Part 1 of the Bill Moyers interview on 1-04-08 on PBS.
Click on the link for the complete interview.
Click for Complete Interview
Posted by
Ray B
1/05/2008 01:21:00 AM
Friday, January 4, 2008
New Features
A Few new features today: I added forums which can be accessed through the new top menu. It is located just below the Banner. Also, I added a direct link to the videos forum which will be updated as I have more time to do so. Please enjoy!
Posted by
Ray B
1/04/2008 03:31:00 PM
Reasons Iowa Was a Success
- Besides Mitt Romney and Mike Huckabee, Ron Paul was the only other candidate to win a county (Jefferson County)
- It solidifies our Independent support. Ron Paul had the strongest showing from Independent voters. Which is huge news for NH because they make up the majority of voters there.
- It split the Neo-Con vote. McCain, Giuliani, and Thompson staying in the race means that the Neo-con vote will be split as long as they stay in the race, making our unified vote stronger.
- Ron Paul's 10% proved that he is a force to be reckoned with. He was only 3 points behind McCain and Thompson and doubled Giuliani. The media wanted people to believe Paul would be in Hunter's league with 0-2% of the vote. This event shatters that notion.
- Mike Huckabee has peaked, as 60% of his support was from evangelicals, which are no where near as prominent in NH or SC. His "success" will be brief, and when Ron Paul beats him in NH, it will be even more drastic, as he will be beating the IA winner.
Share your thoughts and comment!
Posted by
Ray B
1/04/2008 02:20:00 PM
This is our capaign to win.
I think we need to go back to our basics. Do what we do best: Raising money and Rallying. We do those things better than any other group of people. The media may want you to believe that IA and NH are the deciding states, but that is simply undermining the importance of your vote if you do not reside in those states. I am from California and I believe our state will be as critical in this election as any other. Our efforts have to be as strong if not stronger in the super tuesday states as they are in primary states. Continue donating, if you are not maxed out, send 20 bucks today what is that? A few starbucks drinks? A burger here and there? You can send 20. Do it.
Let's use our arsenal to win this thing. Our weapons: Fundraising, energy like no other candidate has ever seen. THE BLIMP which is in desperate need of our support. Especially as we move in to NH and SC, the internet, youtube. We need to be the most watched videos on youtube. YOUR VOICE. Talk to people about Ron Paul I wrote an article on a few tips on how to talk to people check it out and use it.
Get better results!
This battle has only begun. The future of your nation is at stake. This is life or death. Let's win this this thing.
Posted by
Ray B
1/04/2008 02:15:00 PM